Erratum and Corrigendum

An Erratum pertains to the rectification of inaccuracies that have been introduced to the article by the publisher. During the proof stage, the author is presented with highlighted publisher-introduced changes, and it is expected that any errors will be recognized by the author and subsequently remedied by the publisher prior to the final publication. Authors who identify an error should promptly communicate with the Journal Manager or Editor of the Journal.

A Corrigendum pertains to a modification that an author intends to submit in their manuscript subsequent to its acceptance. It is advisable for authors to initiate communication with the editor of the journal, who will assess the significance of the proposed modification and make a decision regarding the most suitable course of action. The HABITAT organization will initiate a corrigendum to a published article only upon obtaining agreement and instructions from the editor.


Papers published in the International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics may be retracted if:

  1. There is clear evidence of unreliable findings, either due to misconduct (e.g., data fabrication) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error)
  2. The findings were previously published without sufficient cross-referencing, permission, or justification (i.e., redundant publishing)
  3. It constitutes plagiarism
  4. It reports unethical research

The retraction method adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics' (COPE) Retraction Guidelines, which are available at